Senin, 17 Juni 2013


- merangsang cepatnya aliran darah dan menaikkan kecepatan detak jantung.
- memotivasi orang dalam mengerjakan sesuatu agar lebih cepat.
- mampu membuat orang memutuskan sesuatu tanpa berpikir panjang

* sisi positif :
-- hidup
-- gairah
-- cerah
-- pemimpin
-- kuat

* sisi negatif :
-- panas
-- bahaya
-- agresif
-- brutal
-- emosi yang meledak

- lambang persahabatan
- merangsang kreativitas dan daya cipta

* sisi positif :
-- muda
-- kreatif
-- dinamis
-- keakraban

* sisi negatif :
-- dominan
-- arogan

- lembut
- memberi motivasi dan menaikkan mood
- ide baru, percaya diri
- menghilangkan keragu-raguan
- kejujuran
- mengeliminasi pikiran positif
- memberi semangat
- membangkitkan energi dan inspirasi

* sisi positif :
-- segar
-- cepat
-- jujur
-- adil
-- tajam
-- cerdas

* sisi negatif :
-- sinis
-- kritis
-- murah / tidak eksklusif

- mampu menciptakan karakter yang berbeda
- ( hijau tua ) keberuntungan dan kesejahteraan

* sisi positif :
-- sensitif
-- stabil
-- formal
-- toleran
-- harmonis 

* sisi negatif :
-- pahit
BIRU ( dingin, diam, dalam )
- menurunkan takanan darah dan detak jantung
- ( biru tua ) kepercayaan, kebijaksanaan, kematangan berpikir

* sisi positif :
-- kebenaran
-- damai
-- meditatif
-- kontemplatif
-- intelegensi tinggi 

* sisi negatif :
-- emosional
-- racun
-- egosentris

- ( ungu tua) misterius, mistis, dalam,angkuh
- ( ungu muda pastel ) lembut, ringan, menyenangkan
- ( ungu yang didominasi merah ) kuat, mencerminkan kemuliaan, keagungan, dan kemewahan

* sisi positif :
-- artistik
-- personal
-- mistis
-- spiritual

* sisi negatif :
-- angkuh
-- sombong
-- diktator

PUTIH ( murni, bersih, segar )
-  melambangkan kesucian
- kejujuran, ketulusan, keikhlasan

* sisi positif :
-- jujur
-- bersih
-- higienis
-- innocent

* sisi negatif:
-- monoton
-- kaku
-- tidak terkontrol

HITAM ( warna keabadian )
- keheningan, kematangan berpikir, kedalaman akal yang menghasilkan karya
- modern dan gaya
- elegan dan mewah
- membangkitkan indera pendengaran

* sisi positif :
-- kuat
-- kreatifitas
-- idealis
-- fokus
-- magis
-- kedalaman berpikir

* sisi negatif :
-- terlalu kuat
-- merusak
-- superior
-- menekan

yang dikategorikan sebagai warna netral :
-- abu-abu
-- kream
-- coklat keabu-abuan
-- cokelat
-- hitam
-- putih

mungkin hanya itu yang bisa dibagikan..
semoga bermanfaat :)
terima kasih sudah mau membaca :)


Selasa, 04 Juni 2013

Strange Asteroid's Long Tail Revealed ( source :;_ylt=Ag6LYCrxKRdgdvi2dAw.s2wSscB_;_ylu=X3oDMTE1MWZuY2JqBG1pdAMEcG9zAzM2BHNlYwNsbl9TcGFjZUFzdHJvbm9teV9nYWw-;_ylg=X3oDMTBhYWM1a2sxBGxhbmcDZW4tVVM-;_ylv=3 )

Description: SPACE.comBy Mike Wall | – 12 hrs ago

An odd asteroid's peculiar tail is far longer than previously thought, stretching nearly three times the distance from Earth to the moon, scientists say.
The surprising tail of dust streaming from the asteroid P/2010 A2is about 620,000 miles (1 million kilometers) long, new photos taken by the One Degree Imager (ODI) camera at the WIYN telescope in Arizona reveal.
"Previous images of A2 clearly indicated the tail extended beyond those relatively small fields of view; we wanted to use the superb image quality over a wide field that ODI offers to see just how much," Jayadev Rajagopal, WIYN scientist at the National Optical Astronomy Observatory in Tucson, Ariz., said in a statement. "But I don't think we were quite expecting to see a tail that extends out to and beyond even the ODI field!"
It's rare to see an asteroid with a tail, and astronomers initially thought P/2010 A2 was a comet upon its discovery in 2010. But the picture became clearer after NASA's iconic Hubble Space Telescope photographed the object a month or so after it was first spotted circling the sun in the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.
The Hubble observations led astronomers to estimate that anasteroid 10 to 16 feet (3 to 5 meters) wide may have slammed into P/2010 A2's core, which is about 390 feet (120 meters) wide.
This cosmic smashup was likely as powerful as an atomic bomb, vaporizing the smaller space rock and stripping material from P/2010 A2. Sunlight and the stream of charged particles from the sun known as the solar wind then swept these dusty bits into a tail, the theory goes.
Over time, the centimeter-size particles in P/2010 A2's tail will form a meteor stream around the sun, as happens with debris shed by comets, scientists said.
Asteroid collisions and other debris-spewing events add to a cloud of dust spread around our solar system. The new images from the ODI camera will shed light on how much material asteroids contribute to this "zodiacal dust," researchers said. 
Follow Mike Wall on Twitter @michaeldwall and Google+. Follow us @SpacedotcomFacebook orGoogle+. Originally published on

Astronomy Conference Open to Public for First Time ( source :;_ylt=AtwwZr8AuQYUzaTVgMVZu0gSscB_;_ylu=X3oDMTE1bWNyc2ZxBG1pdAMEcG9zAzU2BHNlYwNsbl9TcGFjZUFzdHJvbm9teV9nYWw-;_ylg=X3oDMTBhYWM1a2sxBGxhbmcDZW4tVVM-;_ylv=3 )

Description: SPACE.comBy Miriam Kramer | – Fri, May 31, 2013

One of the largest astronomy meetings of the year will open to the public for the first time in its history.
More than 500 astronomers, journalists and guests will bring their cosmic know-how to Indianapolis, Ind. next week for the 222nd meeting of the American Astronomical Society (AAS). The conference begins on Sunday (June 2) and runs through June 6 at the Indiana Convention Center; it is the second of two meetings held annually by the AAS.
New findings about alien worlds, mysterious dark matter and the Milky Way will be discussed, and this year anyone can take part in the cosmic action. [See Space Photos from the 221st AAS Meeting]
"For the first time ever, the AAS is opening its meeting to amateur astronomers and other interested members of the public, who may take advantage of a special one-day registration rate of $50 per day on Monday, 3 June, or Tuesday, 4 June, or both days (in which case the cost will be $100)," officials from the AAS wrote in a release.
Several presentations on Monday and Tuesday will be geared toward amateurs that decide to pay the fee and attend. The presentations include information about the Hubble Space Telescope, nearby exoplanets, Pluto, and the formation of galaxies in the early universe.
In addition to those talks, the society will also hold two free public events during the convention.
Astronomers will throw a star party on Monday night at 9 p.m. EDT (0100 June 4 GMT) to show off Saturn and the ringed giant's moon Titan through telescopes set up outside of the convention center. Any curious members of the public are welcome to come take a peek for free.
"It's a great opportunity to see the stars with professional astronomers and meet the local astronomers in your hometown," AAS officials wrote.
On Tuesday night, "BBC Sky at Night" presenter Chris Lintott of the Adler Planetarium and Oxford University will speak about citizen science and its role in astronomy today. This talk begins at 8 p.m. EDT (0000 GMT) at the convention center. It is also free and open to the public.
Throughout the course of the conference, scientists will take part in town hall-style meetings about NASA, the National Science Foundation and other agencies. The latest findings from the badly damaged planet hunting Kepler Space Telescope will be presented as well.
Twitter users can follow the conference using the hashtag #AAS222, and will bring you complete coverage of the meeting from Indianapolis. For more information on the events open to the public, visit:
Follow Miriam Kramer on Twitter and Google+. Follow us on TwitterFacebook and Google+. Original article on

Large asteroid, with small moon in tow, to fly by Earth ( source : )

CAPE CANAVERAL, Florida (Reuters) - A large asteroid accompanied by its own small moon was approaching Earth on Friday, the latest in a string of celestial visitors drawing attention to the potential dangers of objects in space.
Asteroid 1998 QE2 - which is not named for the United Kingdom's monarch - is about 1.7 miles in diameter, about nine times as long as the Queen Elizabeth II ocean liner.
It is far bigger than the small asteroid that blasted through the skies over Chelyabinsk, Russia, on February 15, leaving more than 1,500 people injured by flying glass and debris.
That same day another asteroid, about 150 feet in diameter, passed about 17,200 miles from Earth - closer than the networks of communication satellites that ring the planet.
At its closest approach, which will occur at 4:59 p.m. EDT (2059 GMT), asteroid 1998 QE2 will be about 3.6 million miles (5.8 million km) from Earth, which is roughly 15 times farther away than Earth's moon.
"For an asteroid of this size, it's a close shave," said Paul Chodas, a scientist with NASA's Near Earth Object program office at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California.
NASA is tracking 95 percent of the large asteroids with orbits that come relatively close to Earth. The U.S. space agency, as well as Russia, Europe and others, plans to beef up asteroid detection efforts to find smaller objects that could still do considerable damage if they hit a populated area.
Scientists used radar to get a preview of the asteroid on Wednesday and discovered it had a small moon in tow.
"It was quite a surprise," Marina Brozovic, a radar scientist with the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, said in a NASA TV interview.
After its pass around the sun, QE2 will head back toward the outer asteroid belt on an orbit that extends nearly to Jupiter.
Friday's flyby is the closest QE2 will come to Earth for at least the next 200 years, Chodas said.
Astronomers are hoping to get images and data during the flyby that will be as good as what spacecraft visiting other asteroids have returned.
(Editing by Tom Brown and Jim Loney)

Senin, 03 Juni 2013

UN-lucky day

sial banget gue hari ini... udah insomnia, tapi harus bangun jam 05.00 pagi buat apel pagi di kampus..
 tapi, hari ini ada yang aneh banget.
awalnya, gue senang-senang aja sama temen-temen gue..
giliran selesai apel, eeehhhhh... HaPe gue ilang, cuy!
mana cepet banget lagi, si Thief itu non-aktifin nomer gue..
padahal, gue cuma butuh :
- gantungan HaPe.nya..
yaiyalah.. gantungannya gue bikin sendiri, dan ada cincin dari sahabat gue, Lee Chan..
- memory card
bayangin aja! gue udah susah-susah download lagu-lagu favorite gue mana ilang gitu aja.. ppuufff --"
- SIM card
ini udah pasti!! semua orang pada tau nomer ini.. kalo ada yg ngubungin gue gimana?!

Bad Mood deh gue --"